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Strategies for Working with Preschool Children with Language Delays

Strategies for Language Delays Blog

Looking for strategies for working with preschool children with language delays? Here are some SMART tips!

Slow down


Add visual

Repeat instructions

Time to respond

S: Slow down (your speech). Children with developmental language delays need extra time to process speech and language. If you speak too quickly, they miss information.

M: Emphasize key points (see what I did there?). Children with developmental language delays need support with receptive language skills. If you add emphasis, this helps clue them into the critical words and important information.

A: Add a visual, gesture, or cue. Children with developmental language delays benefit from extra hints and visual aids.

R: Repeat instructions, two or three times. Repetition of verbal stimuli is highly beneficial for children with developmental language delays.

T: Time needed to respond is longer. Children with developmental language delays need extra time to formulate their responses, so we must be patient with them.

Mentrasti, A. (2019). Shareable Strategies for Working with Preschool Children with DLD. Blog.Asha.OrgRetrieved from

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