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National Bubble Week

Young girls blowing bubbles at home


Did you know that National Bubble Week begins March 15th? I am so excited as I love to use bubbles in therapy, and it’s so easy for parents to use bubbles at home to support language development. Added bonus…bubbles are easy to find and cost-effective. You can even make your own bubbles! Here are some skills that you can target at home using bubbles:

Turn taking and pronouns: While I always hold the container, you can take turns with the wand and work on pronouns (e.g. My turn, your turn, I blow, you blow).  

Expanding sentences and vocabulary: Depending on where your child is at with his/her language, you can expand your child’s utterances by adding pronouns or concepts. Easy concepts to target include big/small, fast/slow, up/down. You can also work on action words (e.g. pop, blow, poke, open, close, catch). 

Sequencing and following directions: There are TONS of bubble crafts and experiments out there! Crafts and experiments provide opportunities for developing sequencing skills and working on following directions. If your child needs help with event retells, try to take pictures during the activity as a way of providing visual support.

 Counting: Poke-a-Dot books, by Melissa and Doug, are awesome! These books are so helpful when teaching one-to-one correspondence. You can also use these books to work on vocabulary development and fine motor skills. 

We want to hear from you! What are some of your favorite ways to use bubbles in therapy or at home?  

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